Friday, April 4, 2008

Spilling the Beans...

As our previous post stated, we are now adopting a 18-48 month old (according to our homestudy). In the next year Travis will be traveling a bit more, we were struggling with adopting a baby and a toddler at the same time, and just not knowing what we were going to do. One night after Travis and I were talking about adoption and more confused than ever, I went on my eliptical and sent up, in my own opinion, the most heartfelt prayer I had ever prayed. I was so confused on what God was calling us to do, and I didn't know what to do. I went to bed at peace knowing that my confusion was given to God. The next day, Sunday, Travis looked at me and said, "why don't we just adopt a toddler right now?" Right when he said that, we just knew that was it! So, that's our plans! We are planning to adopt a girl between 18-48 months, and once she has been home for 6-12 months, at one of her post-placement visits, we will begin the process all over again for a baby girl.

As you know, I celebrate a decision with a purchase - blame it on being a visual person. I also had another reason to celebrate - the Minnesota Wild won last night and are heading to the playoffs. So in celebration of both, I bought her a little two-piece Minnesota Wild seat suit. It is too cute (and I'm too lazy to take a pic to put on here). I also bought her the pink cupcake bag from Target - I had too! She needs a bag to use on the long flight home :) Maybe, pictures to come later :)